We know by now that the elements are the basic units of all types of matter. In 1800, only 31 elements were known. By 1865, the number of identified elements had more than doubled to 63. At present 118 elements are known. 

With such a large number of elements it is very difficult to study individually the chemistry of all these elements and their innumerable compounds individually. To ease out this problem, scientists searched for a systematic way to organise their knowledge by classifying the elements. Not only that it would rationalize known chemical facts about elements, but even predict new ones for undertaking further study 


The German chemist, Johann Dobereiner in the early 1800’s was the first to consider the idea of trends among properties of elements. By 1829 he noted a similarity among the physical and chemical properties of several groups of three elements (Triads). 

He arranged similar elements in groups of three and showed that the atomic weight of the middle element was approximately the arithmetic mean of the other two. These groups of three elements were called Dobereiner’s  Triad and this generalization was called Law of Triads 

Dobereiner’s Triads

Dobereiner’s Triads

The Periodic Law, as we know it today owes its development to the Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) and the German chemist, Lothar Meyer (1830-1895). 

Lothar Meyer plotted the physical properties such as atomic volume, melting point and boiling point against atomic weight and obtained a periodically repeated pattern. 

Dmitri Mendeleev, the scientist who is generally credited with the development of the Modern Periodic Table. It was Mendeleev who was responsible for publishing the Periodic Law for the first time. It states as follows : 

The properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic weights.

Mendeleev arranged elements in horizontal rows and vertical columns of a table in order of their increasing atomic weights in such a way that the elements with similar properties occupied the same vertical column or group. 

Mendeleev relied on the similarities in the empirical formulas and properties of the compounds formed by the elements. He realized that some of the elements did not fit in with his scheme of classification if the order of atomic weight was strictly followed. He ignored the order of atomic weights, thinking that the atomic measurements might be incorrect, and placed the elements with similar properties together. For example, iodine with lower atomic weight than that of tellurium (Group VI) was placed in Group VII along with fluorine, chlorine, bromine because of similarities in properties (Fig.). At the same time, keeping his primary aim of arranging the elements of similar properties in the same group, he proposed that some of the elements were still undiscovered and, therefore, left several gaps in the table. For example, both gallium and germanium were unknown at the time Mendeleev published his Periodic Table. He left the gap under aluminium and a gap under silicon, and called these elements Eka-Aluminium and Eka-Silicon. Mendeleev predicted not only the existence of gallium and germanium, but also described some of their general physical properties. These elements were discovered later. Some of the properties predicted by Mendeleev for these elements and those found experimentally are listed in Table. 

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table published earlier

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table published earlier 

Mendeleev’s Predictions for the Elements Eka-aluminium (Gallium) and Eka-silicon (Germanium)

Mendeleev’s Predictions for the Elements Eka-aluminium (Gallium) and Eka-silicon (Germanium) 


The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. 

The atomic number is equal to the number of protons or the number of electrons in a neutral atom. It is then easy to visualize the significance of quantum numbers and electronic configurations in periodicity of elements. In fact, it is now recognized that the Periodic Law is essentially the consequence of the periodic variation in electronic configurations, which indeed determine the physical and chemical properties of elements and their compounds.